Something of Myself

Monday, February 23, 2004

i saw LOC today. got irritated by its romantic songs but the documentary effect of it left me still... afterwards i read up on the capture of the hills and the bravery of the soldiers and the tragedy that befell their families. its hard to know this by reading the newspaper columns. for the government and for the media and for the public, they make up numbers: 20 killed on tiger hill, 4 casualties in drass sector etc. but for thier families, they were real humans, of flesh and blood. and their display of nationalism or bravery or call-it-what-you-like will never be completely understood because it never can. i can never even faintly imagine facing bullets from 20 yards distance, balancing myself on a cliff, or some rocks at -15 degree temp. and then dying. and even when death looms over you, throwing a grenade or stabbing the motherfuckers. you got to be there to imagine it. you got to do it. pakistan is a major pain in our ass. and the govt makes full use of this, draws votes by its anti-pak slogans and then sends these poor soldiers to face bullets with a load of primitive artillery! welcome to india! if only netaji stood his ground, if only we had a military dictator ruling us, life would have been different. but hey, kargil happened in 1999, most people just remember the war. nobody remembers the lives. the numbers. only their families do.

comparatively, my life is made of roses. food to eat, heater to keep me warm and the choice to do what i want. i dont live by chance. but i wish i killed by profession! only for the country!
posted by Pele at 12:04 am


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