Something of Myself

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

he walks past rashbehari avenue observing the teeming millions returning from office; watches the busty girls brushing past him. its hard for him these days. hormones after all. as he takes a right turn from deshapriyo park he glimpses at a figure of a woman.

this woman is of importance to this narration.

he looks away from her. as if he never saw her. ignorance. no, its not blissful he tells himself. the woman is about 5 feet 10 inches tall, a good 4 inch taller than he. black hair, brown eyes, joint eyebrows and an almost perfect figure. oh and yes she has good breasts. he sees them first. always.

perverted? no, its the hormones. i told you just now.

the woman approaches him. she crosses the street and confronts him - a flashback of images runs wild through his brains. love, hate, deception and love again:

"hey! where where you all this while? i called you so many times (no she didn't). after that day you just vanished. are you OK?"
H: "yeah yeah i am fine. i am actually in a hurry. i'll give you a ring when i get back home, is that alright?"
"yeah, i guess so...listen i REALLY want to talk to you"
"yes i will call you. promise."

he so hated himself to make false promises but he couldnt help himself. life was like that. life made false promises to him and he to others around him, as if to spread the word of existence.

"who told you to offer to call? why? what;s the bloody point? she is a whore, can't you see that? do you need more proof? i mean she has cheated on you. can you comprehend the seriousness of this issue? your FIRST love cheated on you." a numbing sensation grips him. imagine a moment of paralysis - now here and now gone. that's what he feels.

he recognises a car turning at the lansdowne crossing. its his dad.
"oiy! hop in! where are you off to?"
H: "oh just going to buy some dhoop kathis. i'll go and get them, you carry on"
D: "sure?"
H: "yes dad. can you cook some alu morich for me when i come back?"
D: "sure. no problem. at your service sir!"

the car slowly moves away from him. "at your service sir" lingers on his mind. his dad had ALWAYS been at his "service". he felt a moment of pure happiness - the kind of emotion that one experiences when one receives his first valentine day's card from an anonymous admirer.

the woman's train of thoughts had been disrupted by the sudden appearance of his dad. he started thinking about him. dad. dear dad.
posted by Pele at 2:26 am


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