Something of Myself

Monday, May 10, 2004

Jesus mary christ! this is so bloody surreal. as i am typing this my future is being decided in a well lit conference room - the members of staff of the uni who will say "yes" or "no" to my application for funding. this is scary as hell. i am shit scared. i know i have a very good chance and i know that unofficially i have been told that i have got the funding but the leopard aint dead until it has been skinned. and that's what i believe in.

anyways i have been thinking about my fav books, poems etc since yesterday...about why i like them etc. here;s the list:

1. ellison - invisible man
2. george eliot - middlemarch
3. tennyson - in memoriam and ulysses
4. shakespeare - hamlet and merchant of venice
5. dickens - bleak house, little dorrit and hard times
6. kipling - kim
7. milton - paradise lost
8. richard wright - native son
9. jhumpa lahiri - the namesake and the interpreter of maladies
10. toni morrison - paradise and beloved
11. puzo - godfather
12. zadie smith - white teeth
13. hanif kureishi - intimacy
14. hardy - woodlanders and tess of the d'urbervilles
15. colleen mccullough - thorn birds (i am yet to read a more intriguing prologue than this one)
16. sidney sheldon - nothing lasts forever
17. satyajit ray - feluda novels
18. conrad - heart of darkness
19. dostoevsky - notes from the underground
20. tolstoy - anna karenina
21. italo calvino - if on a winter's night a traveller
22. vikram seth - an equal music

this is of course not in any chronological order, just a random rememberance and i have probably forgotten a whole load of others that inspired, moved, touched and swept me off my feet. shakespeare's othello and richard II for instance, the poetry of keats and shelley and wordsworth for instance. someday, like chris, i dream of having all of these and many others firmly etched in the innermost canvasses of my brain so that i can quote them at will, freely and wisely. so that i can take refuge in just remembering just a scene from one of them. that's my dream.

as of now, if i get to do the phd that'll be more than helpful is making the first step.
posted by Pele at 3:29 pm


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