Something of Myself

Monday, April 09, 2007

She was what he had never been. That is almost always the most reductive way in which men and women, all over the world, on hindsight, seem to rationalise their liaisons.

She was 18. He was only days away from being 30.

She was 18. Naive. Elegantly naive. There was a spring in her step that is not-so-common to all 18 year olds. The singular quality that seem to distinguish her from all mortal beings around him was that she was un-corrupted. Unpretentious. Unworldly. Uncomplicated. Unsuspicious. But not unsophisticated.

This was another quality that attracted him to her. Her elegance. She was born with it. It is an inner quality you see, and you can become fashionable, you can clothe the exterior but your elegance is something that is born from the insides of your inside. And she just had it.

How do you capture the essence of someone like this? What is the word? Can you paint a picture? Perhaps the only thing that comes close to describing 'elegantly naive' is music. Imagine your favourite musician. Close your eyes and play the tune in your mind. You will feel an inexplicable sense enveloping you. That fine moment of engulfment is 'elegantly naive.' She was that.

He lost himself in her naivety. He lost himself in her smile. The extended blink, the clandestine look, the furtive glance, the assuring touch, the familiar smell...

Decades later his wish was finally granted. He brought her home. His impotency gave him an excuse to father the orphan who was and still is elegantly naive.
posted by Pele at 11:49 am


Good one Pele, i almost thought that he was having an affair with her! Halfway through i thought, not another Nishabd story, but wow! you r turning Wilde these days. Loved it :)

12:20 pm  

Ohhh, you embarrass me. Oscar Wilde is a genius. Thank you for the huge compliment. I am just trying to pen some random thoughts... :)

12:26 pm  

No seriously, i am not trying to embarrass u, u should take up writing full time, u r a good writer Ani.

12:30 pm  

Ok here's the deal - get me 20 people whom I don't know and if all of them like 'something' about my writing, I promise I will give it all I have. :-) After all, even if we write for ourselves, the circle is not complete until people receive it well.

12:33 pm  

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