Something of Myself

Saturday, June 26, 2004


Terribly, terribly exhausted today. Read a gripping book by some bloke called Bhaskara Rao entitled "Kipling's India": not too bad though he seems to be a hardcore Hindutva kind of a person! Also on today's reading list were three papers from different journals! One more paper left on Derrida and Kipling! Yeah that sounds awful I know - Derrida fries my brain. Slowly but surely. Foucault is a hell of a lot better!

After all the erratic style of working that I indulge in, I still seem to believe in the credo i.e. the more you read, the more you realise how little you know!

Baba-Ma's Anniversary coming up on Sunday. Hell, I dont know how they manage to see each other's faces for so many years when they get up in the morning! Scary as hell!

Have a deadline for the 5th. Looks alright but feels shit. It's the fear of the unknown I guess - yes, yet again! For my dear, there is nothing such as "definitive" in the world of academia; UK has taught me this valuable lesson. I wonder what I have taught UK!! Multiculturalism or was it a x-ray vision of the Bengali Babu I wonder! Wonder, says Stephen Greenblatt, is an expression of confusion mixed with surprise...Hmm...Greenblatt will do me fine...

One more confession - I know I have chosen to do contemporary stuff for my upcoming PhD, but in the bottom of my heart lies a deep desire to do it in Nineteenth Century England -the world of Dickens, Eliot, Tennyson, Kipling, Arnold, Wordsworth - its too tempting to be shoved in a lone corner of my palpitating heart - a heart that forever seems to be excited at the prospect of learning - of knowing more - of chasing knowledge "like a sinking star, beyond the utmost bounds of human thought".

I'll drink to that one! Or may be smoke...
posted by Pele at 1:48 am


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