Something of Myself

Thursday, June 24, 2004

This is a quick post as I prepare to meet my supervisor: its been triggered off by Prero's thoughts that she needs to throw away everything and start all over again in order to pursue her exquisite talent. This is not an answer to her thoughts: I respect it, but it got me thinking nevertheless -

Why are we afraid of getting rid of stuff that we hold on to? Its the comfort, isnt it? The comfort of the known, the pleasures of being within your boundary. However, the beauty of life lies in the fact that its worth taking the risks that we do. We take risks everyday - getting up later than usual and still believing we can make it to our workplaces on time. Ah you might say this is a rather mundane example. Career, profession and all the other biggies in life are way to serious to be "thrown" away and then starting. If that is the case, then was Tennyson wrong when he said - Tis never too late to seek a newer world?

If you take a risk there are just two possibilities - either you come out of it in flying colours and the world says what a superb decision you took OR you fall flat on your face and the whole bloody world curses you for being stupid! Well, to me what matters is what you think about the whole idea of taking the risk - if you think the stakes are high and its not worth taking it, fair enough. But, if you feel the unpredictability of the risk can boomerang your life in manifold directions and its worth every grain of salt - then do it god dammit!

I sincerely hope Prero, at some point, decides to take up writing. I hope her talent forces her to write. I hope we can see what she is made of - she has no clue - I do. Why? Lets say because what I have seen in her is fairly unique and it will never be seen in any one again - a Joyce or a Woolf or a Kureishi is born once in a century. How dull life would have been without the wild and wonderful world of literature - Prero can do literature - she can stir us...I hope she does it someday. Soon. Very soon.
posted by Pele at 11:13 am


what can I say sweetie ... ur faith tempts me to have faith but theres so much at stake. what i have to decide is - if its too much or just a lot :)


4:06 pm  

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