Something of Myself

Monday, October 30, 2006

Who are They?

They make their decisions in the first 60 seconds of their first meeting with you.
They always have a reason to go shopping.
They always boost your mobile bill.
They love being pampered all the time.
They do not want to come out of their own worlds (if given a choice).
They like people who take interest in their worlds.
They hate to be cheated but are not terribly averse to the idea of cheating at least once.
They pretend to be hard-to-get.
They always want someone to listen.
They revel in illusions.
They build castles in the air, as if they were born for it.
They take pains to build, but only carelessness to unbuild.
They do not appreciate cheap humour, but indulge in it between themselves.
They check your bank balance (oh come on, it’s a fact).
They always speak with their eyes (at least till you pull them to bed).
They always want their man to be well-dressed.
They hate creatures that crawl (at least ONE of them they are typically phobic about).
They play according to their own rules.
They love mirrors.
They bloom when you feel jealous.
They love it when you are after them, heart and soul (just don’t end up becoming a stalker).
They typically like any one of these or perhaps all – cheese, mayo, chocolates, flowers and perfumes.
They are blessed with huge proportions of ego.

Who are they? Your guess is as good as mine. :)

posted by Pele at 12:03 pm


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