Something of Myself

Monday, November 06, 2006

My Thinking Cap

Not thinking much these days, hence running out of things to write about. I am considering giving my thinking cap a thorough wash, it's quite muddy, and stained - need a spanking new one, but can't afford to lose the old, it's like changing your parents for Christ's sake! It seems weird, but I oftentimes wonder, how this place would be, how individuals would be if they did not keep a track of their thoughts. Now that is singularly different from memory, cause memory to me, is like a trunk full of everything that we have ever been. Keeping track of thoughts is like a secret chamber inside that trunk that is full of jewels, flowers, moss and clotted blood.

Have you observed people indulging themselves in the act of 'thinking'? It's strange how different people 'think' differently. Some keep it for the last couple of hours before they retire for the day, some do it as a part of their jobs, some do it in the toilet, some (they tell me) even during sex, others just take time off from their normal lives, go away to just relax and think.

I have never found thinking to be a stressful activity. Perhaps because my objective has always been to come up with a solution. And if it was unsolvable, then come up with the best possible back-up plan. No, it's obviously not that serious all the time - there have been numerous instances when the thinking was cheap, flirty, vulgar, promiscuous...and all that! ;)

Anyways, having expressed the lack of 'thoughts' at the upfront, I seemed to have bragged about a load of shit all the while. Let's go home. Let's give it a wash. Let's see how it looks.
posted by Pele at 7:08 am

2 Comments: watch people when they think is very strange isn't it? Some people look at the floor. Some people look at the sky. Some people look as though they are in pain. I think the process of thinking is much under-rated. In our world, there is not enough time to think things through properly. It's not good.

8:49 pm  

Hi Bettinacress - Thanks for visiting. I like the authoritative way with which you say 'It's not good.' Something wonderfully sarcastic about it. :)

4:53 am  

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