Something of Myself

Monday, November 22, 2004

Teaching Blues

Tired, unwell and scared. I hate falling short of my expectations and not putting in 200%. The teaching date is coming up - slowly but surely... It will be an unique experience - the pressure (and pleasure) of taking an undergraduate seminar for the first time ever in my life. Wow, never imagined it would be this quick.

And there is something more to this...something which I dare not say in a public medium like a blog...for there is that thing which can just kill everything...For the time being, let's call it "prejudice." :)

Never mind, like always, I am going to put my best foot forward, not sleep the night before, go to the loo at least 10 times half an hour before the seminar, and then...walk in, settle down...Joi Baba Bholanath!!

P.S. Dear God, just give me that little push, slight touch and a delicate pull - I'll make it. Please.

posted by Pele at 11:07 pm


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