Something of Myself

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

What if...

What if beauty was undiminished? If Love stays forever? If desire were always fulfiled? If ageing could be controlled? Death undone. Lust conquered. Marriages lasted for a lifetime. If we could choose our relatives? If friendship were a contract? What if cryptography were a language we spoke? What if there is an unified solution to everything? What if people agreed that there were more than two ways of looking at things? What if education was the end-all of life? If life could be relived all over again? What if time could be rewinded? What if we had a control 'find' command for our everyday life? What if alcohol ran through our veins? What if it never rained? If loneliness could be defined. If murder was pardonable. If assasins were millionaires. If the child were indeed the father. If hunger could be controlled. If emptiness was a name of a pretty woman. If longing ceased to exist? What if everyone knew what they wanted? If men understood. If women never gave up. If guns were presented on birthdays. If want was not spelt as 'w-a-n-t'. If love had more than a syllable. If AIDS could be cured.

If Brutus didn't betray Caesar. If Odysseus gave up. If the Gods came down to us.
posted by Pele at 9:13 am


brutus didnt betray ceaser and odysseus never gives up

3:48 pm  

Missy........well, that was the whole point, wasn't it? ;)


5:26 pm  

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