Something of Myself

Monday, October 11, 2004

The making of a sloppy Post.

How can one define commitment? How can I negotiate your history and mine? How do we bridge our differences? How do we realise what's the best time to do so?

How do we define the "end" of something? Is it the absence or the never-ever feeling? This is getting way too vague. Let's cut the crap. But what if the crap is what I am talking about? What if?

It takes years to build a relationship - father-son, brother-sister, boyfriend-girlfriend............these and many more. You nurture it, work towards comfort from it and then it takes exactly a minute to blow it all there it goes, right there....look, that way....can you see it? It is going. Do something. Try.

Tried. And failed.

Failure makes me remember my success. My efforts. My victory. My truimph. My struggles to be the victor.

I am all muddy right now. Going back to UK in sometime. It will never be the same again. The same roads, the same buildings, the same cafe shops, the same driveway, the same passion....but a definite absence...a void....flying from the zenith and touching the nadir in no time at all!

Well, if this is what life is - bring it on. It will be hard, terribly hard, but then again, the winds of change will blow...we will rise again....we will live life yet again, everyday - never ever saying "Done."

p.s. The concluding part of this sloppy post - huh, much easier said than "done"!!!
posted by Pele at 5:12 pm


these things happen. these feelings happen. but they also pass. hold on. let me know when u get back

1:40 pm  

I am doing alright sweety, dont you worry! Thanks for your comment. I will surely sms or call you when I reach (which is btw 27th of this month). Do you have my UK number? Let me know; I'll email it to you if you dont. Take care.

6:02 pm  

dont have. mail it to my off id

2:30 pm  

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