Something of Myself

Friday, February 02, 2007

Have you ever felt the bile rise within you when you were fuming with anger and burning to vent it? That's what I am feeling right now. I am not the kind who can lick people's feet and massage their egos to accomplish a greater goal. They say it's in my stars, but calling a spade, a spade has always been my most instinctive response. Why should I flinch from telling the truth? Why should I bend over because you are being just plain fucking insane?

I want to do so many things that can bring about so much ruins on so many people. Fragments that they have shared with me is enough for me to bring them down from their seats of glory. It's about power, isn't it? Power is everything. May be not. May be reputation is everything. May be a single mail, or a single sms, or a single press release, or a single phone call might just pull the rug beneath your feet and leave you scarred for life. That is the beauty of not having power. Of not having anything to lose. Of not having anything to care about. Of being bold. Of being truthful.

These fuckers won't let me stand up. They are insecured. They have made it to where they are with a lot of massaging, blowjobs, pussy-selling...and now that they are glued to their thrones, they want me to do the same. I won't. I won't suck. I will nurture my anger and channel my vengeance in such a manner that you will lose every hair on your arse and be left faceless in front of your comrades. I will fuck you from within.

I am hardly the fuck-me-do kinds. But when pushed so much, with half-broken promises and flimsy dreams, there is a growing desire that flows with the bile that rises in me, to get on with it, and put everything to rest. Yeah, the world is not fair, but then nothing is stopping me from being just.

Don't mess with me. I am cunt-blowing material who will fuck your mind over.
posted by Pele at 5:48 am


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